Why You Need A Custom 404 Page

What is a 404 Page?

A 404 page is a web page that has been assigned to be displayed when a visitor is able to locate the server (essentially your domain), but not the specific destination (the specific page on the website). It’s so common, it happens to me at least once a day.

This is why I ensure every single web client has is a custom 404 page. Squarespace is amazing in the fact that it allows you to select what you would like to utilize as your 404 page and it’s really important to make the most of that feature! Not only does it take away the inevitable confusion of not actually landing to the page that your visitor intended on visiting but it also lets your visitor know that there was an error with their request.

There are countless reasons why an error could occur, perhaps they mistyped the URL, the page is temporarily unavailable, or the page no longer exists.

Why is it helpful?

It’s incredibly helpful to add links on 404 pages to other areas of your website as they give users a way out of the error page. Instead of closing the window or navigating away from your site, the user is able to find helpful and potentially relevant resources on another page.⁠

Not only can you turn a negative into a positive, but you can even leave a few breadcrumbs and nudge your visitor in the right direction into your sales pitch/funnel/store front. A little work goes a very long way here!

Feel free to have fun with your 404 page, be punny, be direct, introduce yourself, etc. It doesn’t need to be a long page but definitely be straightforward with your visitors. You can check out our 404 page here.

Not sure where to start with your own 404 page? HFS Co.'s website and branding services are a great starting point to establish your brand's visual identity and its extension into the online world. ⁠

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